Robotic Cutting / High Pressure Cutting

Robotic Cutting / High Pressure Cutting

Crawler is able to perform Robotic Cutting through the use of our state-of-the-art Schwalm robots. These high performance robots allow us to perform mainline reinstatements, cut protruding taps, and remove any other obstructions from within.

High-pressure cutting gives us the capability to use water jetting and cutting up to 40,000 psi. This ultra high power cutter can clean through the toughest materials with no problem, enabling Crawler to take on the most demanding projects, including removing liner, concrete or encrustations from almost any pipe.

With both our robotic and high-pressure cutters, we are able to perform work on pipes from 6 inches in diameter and up. Crawler can accomplish any sewer rehabilitation project with ease through our arsenal of cutting edge technology.

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